Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Talking About A Resolution

My company-supplied desk calendar for next year includes the usual wealth of useless reference-type stuff in the opening pages (Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature conversion tables, world time zones, Tube map). Strangely though, this new edition also includes a New Year Resolutions page, headed by the following line: “I am setting the following goals for me to achieve in 2008 and I commit myself to make them happen.”

The diarist is then encouraged to complete entries subdivided into the following: Physical, Mental, Self-Development, Money/Finance, Career/Work, Family, Social, Emotional, Property and Spiritual. Underneath the last of these I’ve resolved to convince a number of Christians that there really is no God and that their faith in a deity is both deluded and irrational.

In all seriousness though, I’ve set myself a few mental goals to achieve this year (mental in the sense of unwritten, not insane – I’m not about to bicycle naked down the street covered in jam or anything). The first of these is to not smoke, and I’m off to a flier as I’ve not had a single cigarette so far. The fact I’ve never smoked in my life anyway in no way detracts from this achievement. Honestly, I don’t know what all these yellow-fingered sticky-lunged coughing individuals trying to reform themselves are on about. It’s easy…

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