Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Beans

I consider myself a reasonably intelligent chap, but there’s something that baffles me. It’s a puzzlement over my recently-diagnosed lactose intolerant wife’s purchase of a carton of Alpro Soya Milk: how on earth do they make milk out of beans? Look at the picture, they’re beans. And they make milk out of them… What’s that all about?


Jayne said...

Hi Steve,
We make our soya milk in a very simple and natural way. Our soya beans are removed from their pods and soaked in the purest water. They are then finely ground and liquidised, the insoluble elements removed, leaving pure soya 'milk'. We always use the whole soya bean in this process, using no chemical treatments.

Ultra high temperature (UHT) treatment is then applied to the 'milk' for a few seconds to remove any traces of bacteria, without destroying the valuable nutrients in the beans.

This is also the same process used for our delicious range of yogurts, cream and desserts.

I hope that your wife is enjoying her Alpro soya milk.

For more information on how we make our products, our product range and recipes take a look at our website, www.alprosoya.co.uk or contact me directly on 'alpro@richmondtowers.com'.

Jayne Waterfall- Alpro soya

Stevie C said...

That's excellent, thanks for clarifying; I'm no longer puzzled.

Rest assured my wife is finding your products delicious - please pass on my compliments to Mr Alpro and keep up the good work.