Thursday, July 12, 2007

Odds & Sods

I’m cheerfully stealing an idea from Dan’s blog today in which he ruminated on the bits of content that pop into his head, but never make it as far as his webpage.

He has a running document on his phone in which he logs snippets of ideas. I also have a document on my ‘puter (inspiringly entitled “Blog”) that I add to whenever something occurs to me. Currently it’s clogged up with a fragmented collection of oddments and miscellaneous deadwood gumph that it’s entirely likely I’ll never get round to writing up, so instead I’ve mashed them together below by way of a therapeutic purge:

"Best song on the album is the fourteen-minutes-long O’Malley’s Bar in which one member of the clientele embarks upon a killing spree, dispatching his fellow drinkers in a highly unsavoury manner. I don’t like Irish theme pubs either, but this seems extreme."

"Sub-Christmas-cracker humour in the ads around Corrie - “These are really EGG-cellent” and “I like to EGG-speriment”. There’s so much emphasis placed on the one-dimensional pun that even the slowest-witted of viewers (admittedly, many of whom are in the Coronation Street demographic so someone’s done their homework) can’t fail to get the gag. If indeed it can be called a gag. These exhibit all the comic sophistication of a blacked-up Jim Davidson calling himself “Chalky”. "

"His nickname of Jaffa was ultimately ironic, given that he was completely devoid of “smashing orangey bits”. "

"Magnolia paint, cheddar cheese, vanilla ice cream, John Grisham. Is it better to be bland or crap?"

"Bird’s Custard – the first ever convenience food, borne of Mr Bird’s labours to produce an alternative to the run-of-the-mill stuff his wife was allergic to (due to the eggs from which custard is traditionally made), but of which she was so fond."


1 comment:

Dan said...

Are you sure he was called Mr. Bird, and that his custard was not named after his derogatory name for his wife?

And surely Double Gloucester beats Cheddar in the dullness stakes on the cheese front.

Talking of which, please enter my own cheese debate...