Thursday, August 02, 2007

Human Pillows

The latest example of madcap Japanese innovation is the Boyfriend’s Arm Pillow – a slightly creepy product which bridges the gap between functional nighttime head support and human bedfellow. This is supposed to mimic the curves and contours of the male body (well, half of it anyway) and creates a realistic, if slightly squidgy, sleeping companion.

I’m not entirely convinced of the realism. I know Japan can often be a brutal culture, but I doubt there’s a substantial percentage of native women with boyfriends who are comprised of no more than a headless torso and a singular arm. If they’re aiming at being true to life, then they should develop the range to include a deluxe version that snores incessantly, or one that spends the morning scratching its little pillow balls and farting under the duvet.

The product is proving successful though, and a thousand have already been sold, retailing at £40 a pop. One happy customer, Mrs Suzuki, said “It keeps holding me all the way through. I think this is great because this does not betray me”. These are clearly the sad words of a woman who has been wronged by a human equivalent of the Boyfriend’s Arm Pillow, probably with a full complement of limbs. And a head.

Chin up Mrs Suzuki, there’s plenty more fish in the sea (though sadly not a great deal of whales as your fellow countrymen insist on harpooning them).


Anonymous said...

At least these dolls do not have a startled expression on their face like all the others I have known and loved!

Mr Griffles

Anonymous said...

poor old mr giffles he wants to get out more .So stevie are they machine washable do you think cos all i do is slaver all over the real thing when its there!

Anonymous said...

Bodily fluids are a problem.

Mr Griffles

Anonymous said...

well they are but supose it was wearing an alarmed wristwatch, cor i could be up for work in no time.hope i wernt aving a nasty dream previous,good routine though wide awake , bowels open, ablutions,out the door. !