Everything you read about jogging stresses the importance of getting into a rhythm. Being both male and Caucasian however, as well as really quite unfit (my breathing, as I thumped round my predetermined mile-and-a-half course, sounded more like a pack of huskies being mushed by an asthmatic Rolf Harris) I’m immediately at a disadvantage. Luckily though, no one was awake to hear me as I decided to venture out for the first time at 6am on Sunday morning when there wasn’t a soul around.
Even though my legs feel like they’ve been driven over by a fleet of monster trucks I’m quite looking forward to going out again and might even start to venture further afield. Luckily I’ve been watching a lot of Ray Mears' Bushcraft lately and feel informed enough to subsist in the wilds of Wiltshire and await rescue. Well, Ray seems to do alright out of it as his bulging safari suits will testify. Now there’s a man who needs to go jogging.
Perhaps I should pack your breakfast next time honey, although I'm not sure how to pack porridge and bananas! Oh well maybe just 10p for a phone call will do....
Ooh, I know: can you put the porridge in in cans and I can wear one of those 'beer helmets' with straws leading to my mouth. I don't think anyone would notice...
perhaps take some milk , then when its turned into yohgurt just add berries you pick on the way .....
Excellent idea - using the repetitive motion of my legs as a makeshift churn (and who said men couldn’t multi-task?) With the ‘breakfast helmet’ and a couple of bags of the white stuff strapped to my legs sloshing around as I go, I’ll never go hungry. Didn’t think of that one did you Mears? Dragons’ Den here I come; every jogger will be wearing them by next summer. The addition of wild berries is a lovely touch.
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