Friday, January 26, 2007

QE poo

There was an unwelcome passenger aboard the QE2 according to the BBC news yesterday, in the shape of a gastrointestinal virus called the novovirus. The unfortunate effects for the 276 passengers and six crew included extreme vomiting and diarhorrea.

With so many people bucketing out of both ends, the luxury liner was propbably aswill with "hay-clarse" vomit and shit (no doubt smelling of champagne and canapés). Look closely and you might even have seen the captain's log.

Channel 4 have scrapped the phone vote for Big Brother this week after mistakenly screening "to save Shilpa" instead of "to evict Shilpa", thereby forcing it to refund money to phone voters and think very swiftly to ensure a fair final result.

Somewhere there's one very red-faced typesetter who'll spend the next few days blasting nervous flatulance into the seat of his swivel chair every time his boss walks in the room...

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